Battle of the Besses

The recent popularity and critical success of Elizabeth and Shakespeare in Love have reawakened interest in the reign, times and styles of the Virgin Queen. But Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench are by no means the first thespians to portray Elizabeth I in film. Here's a small gallery of costumed thespians, showing the range of portrayals over the past few decades.

Flora Robson
Fire Over England (1937)

Florence Eldridge
Mary of Scotland (1936)

Bette Davis
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939)

Glenda Jackson
Elizabeth R

Quentin Crisp
Orlando (1992)

Judi Dench
Shakespeare in Love (1998)

Cate Blanchett
Elizabeth (1998)

Queen Whoopi
1998 Academy Awards

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